TIAHUANAKU may have existed during the vastly older time of the last ICE , some 15, 000 to
20, 000 years ago. They probably were a surviving fragment of a long lost Kingdom. They explored
and precisely mapped the then ICE-FREE CONTINENT of ANTARCTICA thousands of years before Europeans first sighted it in 1818.
There is also evidence that architectural structures exist at the bottom of LAKE TITICACA, suggest-
ing that the kingdom existed before the LAKE was formed. The LAKE was formed during a great
Some theory says that an enormous chunk of ROCK was spun off from the planet JUPITER and that it rampaged as a COMET through THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM, nearly colliding with the EARTH and causing CATASTROPHES spoken about in numerous ancient mythologies.
The USE OF THE STRUCTURES OF THE CITADEL AND THE ASTRONOMICAL ALIGMENTS that they have with CELESTIAL BODIES indicate a construction period far more ancient than any other monumental archaeological site in all the world. This fact in a pre-flood time proved that a cataclysmic did indeed occur some 12, 000 years ago. The utensils, tools, fragments of human skeletons that are mixed in with the deepest layers of the FLOOD alluvia indicate the human use of the citadel prior to the great FLOOD. The sculptural and iconographic details are unique and mysterious making the region one of the top ten mysterious places on EARTH.
TIAHUANAKU was the TRUE SACRED CENTER OF THE ANDEAN REGION. An earlier name of the structures was TAIPICALA, meaning "THE ROCK IN THE CENTER."
the extraordinary DEVELOPMENT OF ASTRONOMY. The legendary hero / savior WIRACOCHA
RE-SEEDED THE CIVILIZATION into the ANDEAN REGIONS following the cataclysm.
According to the legend, the world was created by Wiracocha near Lake Titicaca. After the great deluge or the receding of chaotic floodwaters Wiracocha descended to earth and created plants, animals'
and men to the empty land; he built the CITY OF TIAHUANAKU and appointed 4 rulers of whom
MANCO CAPAC became the superior of the MIDDLE WORLD.
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