Saturday, July 13, 2013


A kidney transplant peruvian patient at a Hospital in London had developed an infection in the operation incision that would not clear up. Then the patient remembered a remedy he had seen local shamans in his homeland. He asked to a young doctor to bring a papaya. He laid strips of papaya fruit across the infected wound. The wound healed.
This unorthodox medical success was met with ridicule. But although treatment by "green medicine" that means the use of plant remedies, is often derided by the medical profession in Europe and North America, it is commonplace in many other parts of the world, especially in PERU.
Influenced by European and American ideas, much of the cities along the coast of Peru are practicing Western medicine. Still the mountain region and the amazon region practice its traditional medicine.
If a popular folk remedy seems to work, they test it to find its active ingredient and then use this ingredient on a large scale.
One major advantage of herbal remedies is that they are inexpensive. Ninety per cent of the population in the mountain region and the amazonian region rely on their own traditional healers.
Since ancient time, the healers train themselves with the language of NATURE. Flowers, herbs, plants and trees have their own way of communication. Healers are the only ones that notice the time of the day just by observing the behavior of specific flowers. Some plants open and shut their flowers at different times of the day. This is a phenomenon that controls the flowering according to the daylight.
The same application goes to every human being. Like the flowers, everyone of us behave different according to the amount of sunlight that we receive during daytime. It is the healer's observation that determines which type of natural medicine he needs to apply in order to correct the imbalance suffered by the patient's body. Not everybody can consider himself or herself a healer when do not descend from a line of healers that come with the knowledge passed to them from generations to generations.
The ever-spiraling costs of synthetic drugs will force Western medicine to take another look at the properties of the plant remedies use by the healers and in a not distant future, PAPAYA may be a standard treatment for infected wounds.

The world billions of years ago.

People who did not gain or lose a single ounce last year today weigh less than they did a year ago. Friends on opposite sides of the world are moving farther apart every year. Although the differences in each case are minuscule, they are real, and they are all related.
The earth's day had been growing steadily longer over several millions of years. Confirmation came from paleontologists, who study fossil life. They found that patterns of CORAL growth about 400 million years ago indicate that a year in that distant time was some 400 days long. The earth used to spin faster, making each day slightly shorter. Then new studies pointed out that the laws of the universe  are predicting strange behavior concerning "GRAVITY." It will grow weaker as the universe is aging.

According to mounting geologic evidence, the earth was originally only about 80 percent of its present size. Since it is GRAVITY that holds the earth together, it was suggested that at one time the continents
covered the entire surface of a smaller globe, and all of them were underwater.
Over a long period of time, the surface cracked and the fragments began to separate. The water drained into ever-widening gaps and eventually formed today's oceans. The GRAVITY of the earth changed little by little, allowing the globe to expand. The entire universe expanded following the same rules.

The earth, during the first billion years, had an average temperature of around 212 F. No cloud formations, neither rain. Such a temperature was too high to sustain life for plants, animals and humans.
The only life-forms resembled modern bacteria, some of which can thrive at 212 F.
Falling temperatures over the second billion years made the laws to sustain a form of life. The arrival of blue-green algae give us the tolerance of the temperature as high as 160 F. The third billion years ushered in fungi and other algae that can tolerate temperatures up to 140 F. The most recent billion years, with temperatures below 120 F, saw the growth of plants and animals that flourish in the lower temperatures.

Many scientists have concluded that everything in the universe is getting bigger and lighter, also it is getting older, and GRAVITY is growing weaker.