Thursday, May 23, 2013

GUIDING ANCESTORS, who were they?

ANCESTORS played an important ROLE in THEIR EMPIRE. The laws and customs established by the ANCESTOR' S SPIRIT acted as GUIDELINES for LIFE to them and his descendants.
This ANCESTORS existed OUTSIDE TIME, their souls returned to the ETERNAL PRESENT of the SPIRITUAL WORLD.
They laid down the PATTERNS OF LIFE for the INKA's EMPIRE. It represented a complex network
of KNOWLEDGE, FAITH and PRACTICES. It pervaded and informed all SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL aspects of the everyday life during INKA's time, and today still in use in some regions.

The BELIEVE that EVERY PERSON essentially EXISTS ETERNALLY in the SPIRIT WORLD made them aware that this eternal part existed before the life of the individual begun, and continued to exist when the life of the individual ended.
Both before and after life, it was believed that this SPIRIT existed in the INVISIBLE WORLD and is only initiated into life in this material reality by being born through a mother. When the mother felt the child move in the womb for the first time, it was thought that this was the WORK OF THE SPIRIT OF THE LAND IN WHICH the MOTHER then STOOD.

 Upon birth, the child was considered to be a special custodian of the part of his country and was taught the stories, ceremonies, rituals, dances, song lines of that specific place. This process of identification helped to develop a sense of identity and belonging that was used later in terms of sacrifices for the nation in ritual ceremonies. The child was prepared in mind and soul for these rare type of offerings.
Children were considered purer than adults and the sacrificed child become deified as a representative of the people , living with the gods forever. Such children were worshipped. Usually they were children of high-ranking kingship AYLLUS OF THE PROVINCES, bringing them to CUSCO to be trained since BIRTH for the ritual, SANCTIFIED in the CORICANCHA, and then marched along the LINE OF LIVING ENERGIES running through the AREA, or BETWEEN TWO RITUAL SITES
(cekes) TO THEIR HOMES and then SACRIFICED in a ritual ceremony.
The SACRIFICED reconfirmed and reasserted INKA SOVEREIGNTY over the PROVINCES.
OF THE STARS and PLANETS. And they were obliged to present these extreme case of sacrifice in an attempt to forestall the cataclysm that would destroy their world, or halt the march of time and prevent the apocalyptic events foreshadowed by changes in the NIGHT SKY.

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