Thursday, May 23, 2013


Inka's philosophy manifested that the LIFE FORCE that ANIMATES THE UNIVERSE comes from:
1) the COLLECTIVE, 2) GENETIC, 3) and SPIRITUAL energies. This ENERGIES permeates all of CREATION and comes on various VIBRATIONAL LEVELS.
To get to know their own powers (authentic self) They needed to pay attention to the ENERGIES that worked inside their beings.
They believed that the physical body can be trap or stay locked in their own animalistic habits, unless  by themselves,  became aware about the existence of a self that worked higher than the material body or level, a higher SPIRIT, or a SOUL that lies deep within each human being.
This level of SPIRITUALITY using their own physical bodies lived beyond the material world and beyond the CONSCIOUS MIND.
This LEVEL that can only BE EXPERIENCED is not studied or understood by the CONSCIOUS MIND. This level was the one who EXPERIENCED MANY LEVELS OF REALITY, yet it was always awake in them and accessible at any time, it never slept.
In this SPIRITUAL LEVEL the PHYSICAL BODY project from the inside world the ESSENCE of LIFE of the AUTHENTIC SELF, for each of them were a UNIQUE RAY FROM THE SAME SUN.
When the connection was missing then the physical body started to decay, been prisoner of their own fatalities and feeling totally empty.
For them, everything was ENERGY. The world was a manifestation of another REALITY that existed
in the COSMOS. These world was the PLACE where WE REMEMBERED WHO WE WERE.
This WORLD of material CONSCIOUSNESS, according to them, was INTERCONNECTED WITH
They said, that WE WERE HERE TO EXPERIENCE NOT TO JUDGE.  This was the WORLD of
the PUMA. As the animal faced different sorts of terrains in its habitat, in the same way our souls were suppose to face different realities within THESE MIDDLE WORLD OF EXPERIENCE.

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