Thursday, May 28, 2015


The "MISMI" is the sacred mountain that forms the sacred waters that at its last point of its journey meet the Amazon River. The mountain peak is at  5,597 m (18,363 ft) above the sea level. It is located in the Chila Mountain Range in the Andes of Peru. A glacial stream from the Mismi form the Lake Ticlla Cocha at the base of the mountain  and from there forms the Apurimac River making it the longest upstream extension of the Amazon River, the world's largest river -by volume- which its current length is 4000 miles (6,437 kms).
The Chila Mountain Range lies in the Arequipa Region in the Andes. The range is located in the provinces of Castilla and Caylloma. It traverses the province of Castilla from east to west.
In 1542, friar Gaspar de Carbajal recorded the way he and his shipmates reacted with fascination to the narratives that the People of the Amazon Forest spoke about powerful creatures, mythical snakes, ogres, defenders of the forest, beautiful female spirits, and handsome males, capable of transformation walked the path-ways and populated the river creating a sense of awe, and also fear.
More than 800 groups of people with different ethnicity and speaking different languages, such as the Arawak, Carib, and Tupian, once lived in this Forest.  It is an old green land that has been inhabited for between 40,000 and 60,000 years.
Research  done among the priests (shamans) of the Amazon Forest shows a particular way of doing the ritual of crossing-over towards the three realms known as "pachas." It is a ritual used to get advice over matters concerning the community to the presence of divine powers and spirits in charge in order to continue the balance needed for the harmonized peace between them and the universe. Non-visual senses increases their power and the is done in a form of a vision or hallucinations. It uses different vibrations that translate into each other. It is like moving into the interior of images, and the images move into you, like dreaming and reading at the same time.
Amazonian cultures are known for its complex philosophy. It shows the notion that the world is inhabited by different sort of entities, humans and non-humans which grasp reality from distinct points of view. The shamans experience moments when the boundary between this world and other realities cracks and they are able to see animals, birds, and trees, in their true human form. Power and fear is felt at the same time. Transformation and shape-shifting, rather than fixity, are the basic premises of this type of experience. What it conveys is the clear understanding of how the world came to be. Through a series of transformations from the non visual reality to the one in which the current boundaries became established is the ideology they applied in order to comprehend the language of the supernatural world.
In today's world, boundaries have become barriers and Nature merely an object to be exploited for economic gain rather than human progress, losing the connection that brings the understanding of the laws governing everything.
Shamanic experience is still alive in the Amazonas River. Even us which are not connected to the Natural world daily, we perceive the crossing of realities in a very different way. Redness in our faces, vomiting sensations, nervous breakdown, all of them are symptoms, but if we do not progress in the understanding of our inner perspective of the world in which we live in, then healing our sickness will result in a constant defeat to our own nature.
The laws of our natural world is unknown to us, but not to the ones who live in the Amazon Forest. The world of spirits, animals, souls, and humans will continue its way and only a few will understand the force that binds all together,
The Amazon region is the habitat of the greatest number of plant and animals in the world. It is a vast territory almost the size of the continental United States. Situated in the equatorial region of the planet, the Amazon River basin covers several countries. The territory is shared by Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador Colombia and Venezuela.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


All the people in the Andes had a clear view about ATTACHMENT and LOVE. The observed all the magnificence of nature and noticed that even the insects were in pursue of two important ingredients,  peace and joy.
In order to reach a level on enjoyment in their every day life, they understood the statutes and rules of Nature, and grasp the understanding of these laws to build a kind and compassionate heart towards all the entities around them. Nature was simple and clear to them, and at the same time the best teacher that they ever had.
They modeled their way of life in tune with these laws and the material things such as owning lands or possession of treasures for self purpose had an empty value in their minds. They believed in the afterlife and developed a deep understanding of the spirit dimension. The real treasure was to earn enough power  through their actions in order to achieve dominion over all the entities around them in a very harmonious way.
The people of the Andes avoided the consequences caused by desire and attachment. Everyone exercised Love and Compassion, but on some of them was great and in others it was small. They observed the flesh eating animals and saw that even them never would eat its own cub.
So, for them desire and hatred were two powerful entities. The bridge connecting them was ATTACHMENT. Without it no one would generate anger, so they believed that the roof of anger was desire. Anger and Attachment produced negative energies and were very easy to obtain. The power in them was to eliminate the Attachment over things that involved the desire of the flesh to gain control over suffering. Mental attitude played a very important role in the process of elimination, creating an emptiness from the things belonging to the flesh and interdependence in terms of one another in the spiritual terms. For them it was clear the understanding of how a thing exist and at the same time how it appears to exist in the physical world. You couldn't have one without the other.
Attachment to the the things of the flesh and Love were totally opposite. Attachment was selfish and love was unselfish. If the marriage of energies coming from the sacred places were in nature from attachment to them, then punishment were expected, and the source of power broken, because attachment was understood as a temporary boundary. But, if the marriage of energies were in nature from a sincere love to Nature and that pure power was the one able to move mountains of obstacles then the power would last as long as harmony was maintained.
Unfortunately, when the Spanish invasion occurred, the empire was divided between two forces, one controlled by Huascar and the other by Atahualpa. Assassination of Huascar came from the hand of his own brother, Atahualpa. The whole empire was in a great turmoil, and the power that they maintained once broke after the assassination of Atahualpa from the hands of the Spanish invaders.