Saturday, August 6, 2016


The Inca Empire (Quechua:Tahuantinsuyo) was the largest empire in the New World. The empire arose from the Highlands of Peru. Adaptation to the altitude led to distinctive physical, mental and spiritual developments. Compared to other humans, the Incas had bigger hearts with slower heart rates, almost one-third larger lung capacity, about 2 liters (4 pints) more blood volume and double the amount of hemoglobin, which transfer oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. They had the advantage of coping with the extraordinary altitude compared to those environments at a sea level.
Permanent habitations were as high as 5,300 m / 17,400 ft above sea level in the temperate zones of the high plateaus.
Their methods of unification were based on peaceful assimilation that let them to incorporate a large portion of Western South America, and its central power was centered on the Andean mountain ranges.
At its largest and powerful unification, the Tahuantinsuyo joined Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, North West Argentina, Southern Colombia, and North and Central Chile.
Roads allowed quick movement on foot for the Inca and his people and shelters called Tambos (Inn) were built one day's distance in traveling from each other, so that anyone on campaign could be fed and rested and always have supplies ready as they traveled.
The Chasqui were the messengers of the empire. They were agile an highly trained in mind and spirit and physically fit. They were in charge of carrying the quipu (record made of knotted strings for different things based on the kind, color, # of strings, etc)) and able to pass along oral information that completed the information carried in quipus, to each other and to higher authorities throughout the Inca empire. A quipu could not be read unless the chasqui was there with the rest of the oral part of the message. They also helped the inspector general in keeping track of the people in the empire. they chewed coca leaves for extra energy and cleansing purposes concerning radiation or high altitude diseases.
The Incas revered the coca plant because of its sacred spirit that was able to interact with the elements of the body (fire, air, earth and water) and keep them in balance. Its leaves were used in the exact amount that the body needed to overcome the altitude harmful effects. Inappropriate amounts were lethal altering the organic processes of the physical body, weakening the mental activity and blocking the spiritual connection with the mother earth and the cosmos.
Many discoveries in medicine were made thanks to the properties of plants and herbs as natural anesthetic relievers. They performed successful skull surgeries, by cutting holes in the skull to alleviate fluid buildup and inflammation caused by head wounds. Survival rates were 80 to 90 per cent.
Population estimated for the Tahuantinsuyo ranged from as few as 9 million to more than 37 million. They were typically married at the age of 20 concerning men and at the age of 16 concerning women. Trial marriages were typical. Man an woman agreed to try out for a few years. At the end of this time both were allowed to return to their home. However, once the marriage was made final, they could only separate if the woman was childless. The marriage proceeded as an economic agreement between the two families.
The social system had an ancient origin based on the ayllu, an extended family group with a common ancestor. The economic system was also based on ancient social structures and explained through several principles, reciprocity, redistribution and vertical control.
Redistribution was understood as force or entity governing the Earth's energy and in direct connection with its counter part in the cosmos. The way that the state redirect it over the land ensured that all agricultural goods not exchanged by reciprocity were to be redistributed in different areas of the empire as a back up in case of bad crops. In essence, the government of the Inca functioned as a safeguard against mass starvation.
The most concerning form of religion was based in the worship of the Sun, the patron of the inca state. They dedicated many ceremonies to their ancient divinity and was viewed as a cluster of solar aspects, since the Inca divided his identity according to the stages of the sun. Corresponding to the 3 diurnal stages, the Sun's identity was also divided into 3 primary sub-complexes, which were the Father (Apu Inti), Son (Churi Inti), and Brother (Inti Huaqui). In astronomy, the Father (Apu Inti), and the Son (Churi Inti), were actually separated from one another along an astronomical axis, because they were associated with summer and winter solstices respectively. However, the Brother (Inti Huaqui) was not associated with an astronomical location because his specific position was in the realm of the living as the founding power of the Inca reign and the center of the state's official ancestor cult.
The Incas set aside large quantities of natural resources throughout the empire for Inti (Sun). Each assimilated province was suppose to dedicate a 3rd of their lands and herds to Inti (Sun) as mandated by the Inca. Each major province had a Sun Temple in which male and female priests would serve. The female priests (Mama-Cuna) were chosen from the group separated by birth (Aclla-Cuna) and trained in their sacred arts, and they weaved special cloth and brew a sacred fermented beverage (chicha) made from corn, purple corn, grapes, cassava, or various other fruits, for festivities and rituals to Inti (Sun).
In the Coricancha, the chief Temple of the Inca state religion in Cuzco, the heart of the world, were wall niches in which the bodies of previous emperors and rulers were placed along with various statues of Inti (Sun) that were presented as if they were alive in certain festivals. They were settled in very specific and exact cosmological time in order to communicate the 3 different realms from which the harmony of their whole world depended. The image of Inti was depicted in human form with a hollowed out midsection that was filled with a concoction made of gold and the hearts' ashes of the ancestral Sapa Incas. The image also was adorned with ear spools, a pectoral, and a royal headband and the image projected from its form felines and serpents.
The festival of Inti Raymi (Sun Festival) was attended by the four sectors of the Tahuantinsuyo. It was held during the Southern Hemisphere's winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. This fell around June 24 in the Inca empire.
Priests, Officials and Vassals who attended were dressed in their best costumes and carried their best tools. Preparation for the festival began with a fast of 3 days where there was no fire lit and the people refrained from having sexual intercourse. This festival lasted 9 days, and during this time people consumed massive amounts of food and drink. They were many sacrifices as well, which were performed on the 1st day. After the nine days everyone was allowed to leave with the permission of the Inca.
The diet of the People of the Andes consisted primarily of fish and vegetables, supplemented less frequently with the meat of cuyes (guinea pigs) and camelids.
The Inca cultivated food crops on dry soil over the Pacific coastlines, also high on the slopes of the Andes, and in the lowland Amazon rain forest. In mountainous environments, they made extensive use of terraced fields which not only allowed them to use the mineral-rich mountain soil which other people left fallow, but also took advantage of micro-climates conducive to a variety of crops being cultivated throughout the year. Agricultural tools consisted mostly of simple digging sticks.
They also domesticated and raised llamas and alpacas for their wool and to use them as pack animals. The road system was a key to farming success as it allowed distribution of food over long distances.
It is estimated that the Inca cultivated around 70 crop species. The main crops were potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, chili peppers, tomatoes, peanuts, oca, quinoa, amaranth, and cotton.
Many of these crops were widely distributed by the Europeans and are now crops worldwide. The tomato sauce, for example, was originated by the Inca people using tomato, red peppers and other spices.

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