Thursday, August 11, 2016


Apu Con-Ticci Vira-Cocha was the supreme god of the pre-Incas and Incas and seen as the Creator of all things, or the substance from which all things are created and intimately associated with the cosmological sea.
Vira-Cocha was the Father of all other Inca gods. He created the universe, earth, sun, moon, stars, and all living beings.
According to Inca's legend, Vira-Cocha rose from Lake Titicaca during the Time of Darkness to bring forth Light. He made mankind, during the time of Darkness,  by breathing his powerful breath into stones, but his first creation were brainless giants that displeased him. So Vira-Cocha punished them by sending great Flood. All these giants returned to their original stone form, except two, and several could still be seen in much later times standing imposingly at sites such as Tiahuanaco and Pucara.
Then Vira-Cocha made a new, better ones from smaller stones. He also gave them such gifts as clothes, language, agriculture and the arts and then created all the animals.Then Vira-Cocha decided to make the sun, moon and stars and so bring light to the world. This heavenly bodies were created from islands in Lake Titicaca. Finished, and highly satisfied with his labours, Vira-Cocha then set off to spread his knowledge around the world and for this he dressed as a beggar and assumed different names. The god was not always well received despite the knowledge he imparted, sometimes even stones were thrown at him. Vira-Cocha wept and eventually disappeared across the Pacific Ocean, by walking on the water, and never to be seen again but promising one day to return.
In another legend Vira-Cocha had one son, Inti, and two daughters, Mama Quilla and Pacha Mama. In this legend, he destroyed the people with a Great Flood called Unu Pacahcutec, saving two to bring civilization to the rest of the world. These two beings were Manco Capac (Splendid Foundation), the son of Inti, and Mama Ocllo, which means "Fertility." These two founded the Inca civilization carrying a golden staff, called Tapac-Yauri. He fathered the first eight civilized human beings.
In another legend, Vira-Cocha had two sons, Imah Mana Vira-Cocha and Tocapo Vira-Cocha. After the Great Flood, Vira-Cocha sent his sons to visit the tribes to the North East and North West to determine if they still obeyed his commandments. Vira-Cocha himself traveled North. During their journey, Imay Mana and Tocapo gave names to all trees, flowers, fruits, and herbs. They also taught the tribes which of these were edible, which had medicinal properties, and which were poisonous.
Eventually, Vira-Cocha and his sons arrived at Cuzco and the Pacific seacoast where they walked across the water until they disappeared.
The word Vira-Cocha literally means "Sea Foam."

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