Saturday, August 27, 2016


A huge mysterious door-like structure in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru near Lake Titicaca, and hour drive from the city of Puno, has long been revered by the locals as the "City of the Gods." The door has been carved out of a natural rock face and in all measures exactly 23' in height and width, with a smaller alcove in the center at the base which measures 6' in height.
The remote area is known as a Valley of the Spirits, or Stone Forest, made of strange rock formations that resemble animals, beings, buildings, dinosaurs, and artificial structures.
The local people of the region had a legend that spoke of a 'Gateway to the Land of the Gods', and in that legend, it was said that in times long past great heroes had gone to join their gods, and passed through the gate for a glorious new life of immortality, and on a very rare occasions those men returned for a very short time with their gods to inspect all the lands in the kingdom, through the gate.
Dreams about the use of the doorway appears to be common by the local population and in them they see a pathway made of light colored marble, with a small door open with a brilliant blue/white light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel. Others see that the Gate is made of two doorways, almost in a T shape. The larger door is for the gods themselves and the smaller door is for the mortals, to pass through.
Another legend of a mortal passing through the doorway appears to lend credibility to the alleged dreams of the locals about the gate. The legend tells of the time when European invaders arrived in Peru in the 16th CE, looting Inca sacred places taking their gold and precious stones along their way.
One Inca priest fled his temple with a sacred golden disk known as "the Key of the Gods of the Seven rays," and hid in the mountains of Hayu Marca. The priest eventually came upon the gate which was being watched by shaman priests. He presented to them the golden disk, and a ritual was performed immediately by them, with the conclusion of a supernatural occurrence initiated by the golden disk which opened the portal, and behind it was a tunnel that shone with an intense blue/white light. The priest handed the golden disk to the shaman priests and then passed through the portal and never to be seen again.
Investigators have observed a small, round, hand sized, circular indention in the rock on the right hand column of the small entrance doorway. The examinations led them to believe that should a disk shaped object be inserted into the indention, it would be held in place by the surrounding rock.
It is interesting to note that the structure resembles the Gate of the Sun at Tiahuanaco and 5 other archaeological sites which link together a cross by an imaginary straight lines crossing each other exactly at the point where the plateau and Lake Titicaca are located.  Locals report glowing blue spheres and bright white and rainbow-colored objects sighted over the Lake.
The aforementioned legend concludes with a prophecy that the door of the gods will one day open many times bigger than it actually is, and allow the gods to return in their Sun Ships and all the Americas once united by a common spiritual tradition and leader, will be again reunited in the same spirit.
Peru is a land steeped in ancient prophecies and wisdom. Life in the inca Empire was measured by a 1000 year cosmic cycle called an Inti (Sun). This cycle was then divided into halves, each of which was referred to as a Pachacutec.
The cosmological vision of the Andean world is the conception of duality that is in permanent opposition, but complementary. The same principle applies to each Pachacutec. However, Pachacutec also is used to refer to the transitional time that divided each Pachacutec and this is characterized as a time of great changes.
During the 500 years of the 8th Pachacutec cycle, Pachacutec, the greatest leader of the Incas, ruled. This was a time of Light when the Inca Empire flourished and there were expansion and good fortune. The 9th Pachacutec cycle, on the opposite side of the duality, brought with it the 500 years of darkness when the European invaders looted the land and its resources. We are now entering the 10th Pachacutec cycle, which the local people refer to as the returning to Light, and the sacred Solar Disk is going to be re-activated accessing the cosmic wisdom and reaching again a higher level of spiritual consciousness making the Andean people flourish again but this time in the spiritual realm.

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