The rainbow colors represented the Inca Territories and the People (Tahuantin-Suyo). The actual flag made of the seven colors is originated from the visible spectrum: -Red representing the Earth and the Andean Man. -Orange representing Society and Culture. -Yellow representing the Energy flowing in them. -White representing the Time or cycle in which Live flow in each of them. -Green representing the Natural Resources given to them to take care of. -Blue representing the cosmos. -Violet representing the power of the Mediator between heaven and Earth in the person of the Andean Government and Self-Determination.
All the people that belonged to different cultures and were absorbed by the Inca's power were taught about the representation of each color of the rainbow using as a symbolic means the electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human eye. The use of the colors explained to them the compound way in which all the forces of Nature were put together and then being absorbed by one source, the Inca Empire. The same distribution, according to their common belief, was done in the Universe. If the order of such power was broken then a catastrophic event would follow.
The Incas recognized the power of Light and the way that it travelled, only in straight lines. They also knew about the properties of reflection and refraction. They were also familiar with the different heat transmitted by each of the colors, being the highest the one surpassing the red color.
The geographical way in which the High Lands of the Andes were formed by Nature played an important role in the understanding of many Laws governed by Nature. The human eye's receptors of the High Land inhabitants were more advanced to perceive colors than the ones in the average human in lower altitudes. The fauna at such altitude also developed unusual properties, that were passed to the humans through their everyday diet. Bees, for example, and many other insects, are able to detect ultraviolet light, which helps them find nectar in flowers. Plant species that depend on insect pollination owe reproductive success to their appearance in ultraviolet light rather than how colorful they appear to humans. Birds can see into the ultraviolet and have some sex-dependent markings on their plumage that are visible only in the ultraviolet range. All of this were similar to the way of life familiar to the People who formed the Incan Empire.
The organization were based on the rainbow colors. They were very cautious with the intermarriage between people of different levels of altitudes and on what they ate in order to protect them from losing their powers and from the consequences of the ultraviolet radiation especially in the new-born babies. Many were born with capabilities out of the ordinary and were sent to a special training facilities and become useful to the Inca's authorities.
In the city of Cuzco is common to see the flag displayed in local government buildings and in Cuzco main square. The meaning behind of this flag is the connection that the Incas still have with the Andean High Lands and make everyone be aware of the cosmos-vision and philosophy they had in their time and why they had so much success in the unification of an Empire that possessed the Highest Inhabited Lands of the whole World.
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