The RUNAUTURUNCU (were-jaguar) is an entity like the WERE-WOLF of western lore. This entity is a human being who is able to transforms or shape-shifts into a JAGUAR. The entity magically assumes the physical manifestation of a different entity.
The non-entities able to channel the energy to shift their bodies were called the NAGUALS. They showed DOUBLE ENERGY configuration. Human beings develop an ego driven by psychological desires, the naguals do not have this configuration at all. The naguals are the bridge between man and animals like gatekeepers and receive orders from cosmic forces that surpasses the effect of space and time. They are non- entities able to move in the spirit world. The word NAGUAL describes the TECHNIQUE of SHAPE-SHIFTING and the SORCERERS who had learned its secrets. Such individuals were greatly feared.
The RUNAUTURUNCU are the ANCIENT DWELLERS of the FOREST. The JAGUAR is identified as the god of the UNDERWORLD, always associated with BLACK SORCERY and riches.
Admired for its HUNTING PROWESS and STRENGTH, it came to represent beauty, power, cunning and mystery.
The powerful hunting skills of the jaguar STRIKE FEAR and ENVY, but although these powers are alluring, the jaguar can be FOOLISH and WEAK.
One tale says that THE END OF THE EARTH will come when JAGUARS ASCEND from the UNDERWORLD to EAT the SUN and the MOON. We can translate this tale into this quotation:
"Sometimes people foolishly take more than is needed for food, consuming their environment, maybe even themselves without realizing what they are really doing....... that will be the end of this world."
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