Wednesday, June 5, 2013


AKATOR,  a mythical town deep within the AMAZONIAN JUNGLE, and other 13 underground cities, were the properties of a CIVILIZATION that was LEFT BEHIND.
Their most important ancient towns were AKATOR, AKANIS, and AKAHIM, as well as CUSCO and MACHU PICCHU, known as a the center of the INKA EMPIRE.
The first city, AKANIS, was built on a narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of WATER (isthmus) located in what is now MEXICO. The place where two oceans meet in that area is now PANAMA.
The second was AKATOR (the name derived from "AKA"="FORT," and "KOR"= "TWO") and lay far up the PURUS RIVER, in a HIGH VALLEY IN THE MOUNTAINS of the BORDER between BRAZIL and PERU. The whole city was SURROUNDED BY A HIGH STONE WALL WITH
THIRTEEN GATES. The gates were so NARROW that gave access only to one person a time.
The city had a GREAT TEMPLE OF THE SUN.  The Temple contained documents, such as maps and drawings telling the story of the Earth and the Cosmos. One of the maps showed that our MOON was not the first and the only that existed since the formation of the universe. The MOON that we know began to approach the Earth and to circle around it THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.
The third city or fortress was AKAHIM, which was apparently not mentioned during the time of the first and second cities, it came after the year 7315 BC. It was linked with AKATOR, and was situated on the BORDERS of BRAZIL and VENEZUELA.
Another 26 STONE CITIES were built around AKATOR, including Humbaya and Paititi in BOLIVIA; Emin, Cadira in VENEZUELA; and so on. All of them were completely DESTROYED IN THE FIRST GREAT CATASTROPHE 13 YEARS AFTER THE DEPARTURE OF THE GODS.

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