Thursday, December 28, 2017


The goblin (Muki in Quechua language) lives in the subterranean caves located in the Andean mountains. They are the most lonely places in the physical world.
The goblin can be by himself or in groups, but they are known to prefer living on their own. They live in a timeless world of eternal darkness and they do not age, as if they were not affected by the pass of time.
The creature exercises a lot of power, it can make metal veins appear and disappear, sense the moods and emotions of the miners, help them through their burdens by making pacts with them to soften their work. The creature gravitates towards discreet and honest personalities, who fulfill their promises and do not share the details of their pacts and interaction made with them. Very often the goblin offers to do the person's duties in exchange for drugs, alcohol or the company of women, as that helps the creature to feel less lonely. They, little by little, the person is transformed into one of them when the overcommitment (addiction) to the pact blind them and show only an illusion of what they were expecting to receive. Their attacks inspire fear in their victims and adversaries.
They are known for stealing defenseless people unfamiliar with the spiritual law of existence that is applied in everything that have live.  Elders advise that when dealing with the goblin, one should use his own belt to battle the creature without succumbing to fear. The belt, in the immaterial world, is the understanding of the law and in the material one it ties up the garment of each individual as a bound to serve life and the commitment to harmony that should be maintained between what is seen and what is not.
The goblin belief comes from very old Andean traditions about demons and small creatures who inhabit the "World below"(Uku Pacha). The ones who were the traditional mine crafters, being very aware about the Law of existence, needed to explain many of their extraordinary daily occurrences to their children in order to prepare them for life.
The creature is mentioned in the mythology of the Central Andes. Just like there is diversity in the mining sites, there are many varieties of goblins in the underground world of the Andes. The comparison gives a perceptive mirror of the immaterial world that is so real to the Andean people that reflects what is happening in the subconscious world of a human being.
Despite the distance and the isolation of the mining camps, the belief and the description of the creature is consistent throughout Peru, from the Southern highlands of Puno to Cajamarca in the North. The names differ and in Moquegua is known as chinchiliku, in Puno as anchanchu or janchanchu, in Cajamarca as jusshi, and in Cerro de Pasco and Andean regions of Bolivia as muki.
The oral tradition of each mine help to identify the goblins by region, thus a goblin can be from Huacra-Cocha, Goyllar, Moro-Cocha, The Diamond (El Diamante), Santender,The Temptation Mine (La Mina Tentadora), The Julcani Mine, Excelsior, etc.
The description of the goblin changes with time. Around the 1930s, the creature was described as a small elf with a green outfit, also it was said that the creature wandered the mines while holding a gas lantern and wearing a very fine vicuna cape (poncho, an outer garment that keep the body warm). The creature was also described as having two small shiny horns and to speak with a soft voice. The creature likes to whistle loudly, and that serves as a warning of danger to the miners of their liking. But the description changes as time pass by.
In today Andean mining world, the creature is considered to be a dwarf due to its hight, since it is no taller than 0.61m/2 ft, with a small brawny and disproportionate body. The creature's skin is very pale and it carries a mining lantern. The head is attached to body lacking a neck. Sometimes it is described as having pointy ears.
The creature's voice is deep and husky, not matching its appearance. Its long hair is bright blonde, the face is hairy and reddish with a long white beard. The creature's look is deep, aggressive, and hypnotic and the eyes reflect the light as if they were made of metal.
Sometimes it is also described as having two horns that are used to break the rocks and point at the mineral veins. The creature's walk is compared to a duck's walk because its feet are of abnormal size, and sometimes its legs can take the shape of a goose or crow's. Following the safety regulations of today mining work, the creature now wears a helmet, a miner's outfit and studded boots, or waterproof outfit proper of a miner.

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