Monday, January 2, 2017


ALPACA, LLAMA : Expression of Mother Earth in its full nature (Mama Pacha) and the Service of Love. They are the providers of Wool (garment of protection), Meat (Preservation), Heart (Sensitivity), and Intestines (good absorption of cosmological forces). Even their excrement is used as the most powerful fertilized by the Andean Man. Its Lard represent the Seminal Male Energy, which engenders new life or new vital energy.
ANDEAN CROSS (CHACANA) : Represent the Constellation of the Southern Cross, which orients all creation on the Southern Hemisphere, as It is Above Shall Be Below. On a smaller scale represents the forces and nature of Mother Earth, and on a large scale, it is the symbol of the forces and nature of the Universe. The 4 arms represent the 4 cardinal points (North, South, East ,West). The Big Circle represent Eternity. The inscribed Square represent the 4 natural Elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The Triangle inscribed in it represent the 3 Worlds in harmony (Hanan (Spiritual), Kay (Physical), Ukhu Mental). The Smallest Circle in the Centre of the Triangle represents the Universal Point of Equilibrium interconnecting everything with the Supreme Force of Creation (Viracocha, the Creator God).
The Life and Society in the Time of the Inca Rulers was based upon the principles and behavior of the Andean Cross, and continue to hold meaning to current-days Andean people. The word "Chacana" comes from the Quechua word "Chacay" meaning "to cross" or "to bridge". Each individual was believed to fulfill a purpose as a person itself and as part of the whole.
ANDEAN ROYAL CONDOR : Represent Liberation. It helps human beings free themselves from pain, past sufferings, internal and external limitations, freedom from the sense of guilt, doubts, and fears, which are self-imposed. Its natural instinct of eating carcasses from animals killed by other predator represent the natural cleaning instinct of the bird. The Condor represents the Spiritual World (Hanan) in communion with Father-Mother Creator, which means Unconditional Cosmic Love.
PUMA : It represents the Physical World (Kay). Its spirit teaches us to Live In a Eternal Present. It works with the Willingness and the Strength of the Spirit (Hanan), and that is why the Inca Pachacutec
rebuilt Cuzco in the shape of a Puma, in order to last its present as long as the Physical World exist.
SERPENT : It represents the Mental World (Ukhu) or Inner World. It symbolizes Illumination, Imagination, Ideas, Divine Intelligence, Sacred Knowledge. It is the precise Balance Between the Positive and Negative energy poles, Dualism such as day and night, male and female, above and below, inside and outside, white and black. These poles complement each other to create, recreate, and procreate in the Invisible and Visible Worlds, rising to the point of Sublime Happiness.
TUMI : It represents the Physical Manifestation of God, Father Creator, Re-Creator, and Pro-Creator. According to Andean Myths, Naylamp or Viracocha in others, came out from the Waters of the Ocean, and taught those inhabiting the Earth the Way to Live in Perfect Communion With the Cosmic Laws, and to be Eternally Happy. During His Long Pilgrimage through Hundreds of Thousands of Years.
When he finished his mission, wings grew on him, then, he flew away with his physical body, to become a Unity with Father and Mother forces of Creation. The Tumi represents a tool from which a connection is achieved to Unified the Forces in complete Harmony through high surgery. Its need to be performed in the physical and non physical Worlds as part of the ceremonial rituals in which the tool was used for its supernatural purpose.

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