Friday, April 8, 2016


Many ancient Andean peoples traced their origins to ancestral deities. The Inca claimed descent from the Sun and Moon, their Father and Mother (male and female energies). The Inca generally allowed or even incorporated local deities and heroes of the communities that they conquered in a way that raised more power to the entities already known or become familiar to them. The goddess of Earth, Pacha-Mama, who was worshiped long before the rise of the inca was placed below the Moon who ruled over all female gods.
A theme in Inca mythology is the duality of the Cosmos. The realms were separated into Upper and Lower Realms.
Hanan Pacha, the Upper World, was the realm of the sun, moon, stars, rainbow, and lightning.
Uccu Pacha and Urin Pacha were the realms of the Pacha-Mama, and the ancestors and heroes of the Inca or from other communities conquered by them.
Kay Pacha, was the realm of the outer earth, where humans resided and viewed as an intermediary realm between Hanan Pacha and Uccu Pacha.
The realms were represented by the condor(Upper World), puma(Outer Earth) and snake(Inner Earth).
Each realm behaved according to the spirit of the animal embodying them. Sacred sited and things named Huaca were spread around the Inca Empire. A Huaca was a deific entity which resided in natural objects such as mountains, boulders, streams, battle fields, other meeting places, and any type of place that was connected to the entities who governed with past Incan rulers. Inanimate objects also were treated as Huaca because it was believed to be a deity-carrying vessel.
Spiritual leaders in a community use prayer and offerings in order to communicate with the entities for advice or assistance. Human sacrifice was seen as a high honor for the one who was chosen to do the cross over. They were prepared from birth and educated in such a way that they were able to cross with enough power and bring the message to the gods. They were able to wait for the return to the world of the living to complete their life cycle.
Divination was an important part of Inca religion. It was seen as a systematic method with which they organized what appeared to be disjointed. As a practitioners of this holistic discipline they believed that illness was not derived from chance occurrences, but through spiritual or social imbalance. Diagnosis was reached through spiritual means and a treatment was prescribed, usually consisting of a herbal remedy that was considered to have not only healing abilities but also symbolic and spiritual significance.
The arrival of the Europeans was a noticeable turning point in the history of this ancient tradition. They considered the methods of traditional knowledge as primitive and backward. Under colonial rule, traditional divine-healers were outlawed because they were considered to be practitioners of witchcraft and magic and declared it illegal.
Europeans were very familiar with clandestine methods concerning deeper spirituality meant only for certain people that kept them hidden.
Historically the witchcraft level has been applied to practices that influenced the mind, body, or property of others against their will. The concept of a magic-worker influencing another person's body against their will was clearly present in both folk magic and religious magic. Many examples appear in ancient texts, such as those from Egypt and Babylonia.
The cradle of Christianity in England was in North-Umber-Land and the landscape of the county is noted for its malevolent energy showing an undeveloped landscape of high moorland. It is the most sparsely populated county in England, with only 62 people per square kilometer.
The first translation of the entire New Testament was done here and the combined work of three individuals was put together in this county. Of the three translators, two were burned at stake. William Tyndale was burned on 6 October 1536 in Vil-Voorde, Belgium (Brusellas in known as the city of the witches). John Rogers was tested by fire on 4 February 1555 at Smith-Field, England; the first to meet this fate under Mary I of England. Myles Cover-Dale was employed by Cromwell to work on the Great Bible of 1539, the first officially authorized English translation of the Bible. Time and extensive scrutiny have judged TynDale the most gifted of the three translators. His ancestry came from North-Umber-Land.
While in the New World, the faith of its people was based in the subconscious mind, the Europeans just relied their faith in the materialistic view of it.
When they arrived to the Americas, the old World was experience a huge division in terms of religion. Fear and Terror overcome them seeing how the Andean people managed their beliefs. The only way they saw for them to obtain their land was using the same Andean people to kill each other.
They took advantage of the civil war that was taking place and helped the group of Andean people against Atahualpa in order to protect themselves and at the same time using them as guides to the places where they were able to plan ahead the murder of the Inca. Behaving like they were sent by their gods they first intermarriage with the princesses in a process of 2 or 3 years learning in that way the language, after the 1st arrival. After murdering the Inca the plan that followed was how to take advantage of it and become the new landlords of the New Land.
Europeans just followed their own desire of power making them followers of their own religion: riches and power through it.

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