Monday, December 28, 2015


If we look at the planetary system in the way that astronomers do, we will never be knowledgeable to decipher the purpose of everything in it. The recent planetary research through the probes revealed a shocking real knowledge about the contents of the cosmos. The slow and steady movement of the respective planets around the Sun is a sign of the clock-like regularity and order in the Solar System.
The Incas and the civilizations before them were sky watchers and their description is recorded in countless sacred traditions from every corner of the their world. The planets were surrounded by ancient folklore that overlooked the vital substance of their beliefs that kept them alive. Everything that surrounded them had a prominent role in their mythological traditions and religious rituals. For them this world was a world of opposing forces, a world of duality.
The stars seemed to them a unique example of this duality, and they held forces represented by animated entities. The details of the complex movements of them served as important harbingers of agricultural and herding calendars, war and peace, feast and famine, pestilence and health. They learned to watch every nuance for the clues they could bring and the nature they had in store. They learned to predict accurately, for years and decades to come, the rising, setting, dimming, brightening, and looping of every celestial bodies that were very familiar to them, since the cosmos' appearance hardly changed for millions of years.
Two important factors have the Inca's observations of the stars and constellations. First , the Inca Empire lay almost entirely within the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun sat comfortable in the middle (Cuzco) of its extremes borders. It defined the equinox, the point equidistant between the extremes of the North and South Solstice rise and set exactly points. They knew in detail many of the stars and constellations belonging to the Southern Hemisphere. The Second Factor is that the Inca projected from the cosmos the identities of the animals, birds, and other objects of nature and culture that made up their own world. For instance, they recognized in the cluster of stars known to us as The Pleiades as a cosmic storehouse ("Collca"), also as a pile ("Cotu"), or as a sign of sickness ("Oncoy"). This star group was observed very closely for the cosmic agricultural calendar.  The V-shaped group os stars we call The Hyades was also referred as a cosmic storehouse. Both the Southern Cross and the Belt of Orion were identified as cosmic bridges or upright stakes ("Chacana"). As bridges, these two star grouping were considered to span the Milky Way, which was know as "the sacred celestial River" ("Mayu).
If you like planets, as the Incas did, you can witness an awesome planetary event during the month of December 2015, if you are in North America. The two most noticeable planets Venus (brightest) and Jupiter (second-brightest) are going to be dazzling in the sky, all month long.

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