Thursday, June 18, 2015


The mythical existence of Giants in ancient Peru is a legend being told by the people who still perform the rituals and festivals that in the past were performed in order to maintain a harmony between the forces of good and the forces of evil and gain a moment of peace.
The legend match with a narrative mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Samuel, chapter 6, in which a race of Giants inhabited a region in Mesopotamia. The place was known as a processing center for agricultural goods.
The city's history begins well before the Philistines or Israelites arrived into the region.
During the Philistine control the territory had five axis lords that were giants and executed great powers. The place was the birthplace of Goliath and other giant warriors, and at the time that Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, the giant's race of the Anakim controlled the region. Joshua 11; 1 Sam 17; 2 Sam 21; 1 Chron. 20. The giants that resided in the territory were called Gittites. Joshua 13.
Joshua's conquest of the Promised Land did not include the territory occupied by these giants. This was to be accomplished later. Accordingly, God instructed Joshua to assign the region to the 12 tribes. Judah was the tribe receiving the territory in which this city of giants was located. Josh.13; 15.
Both the Ephraimites and Benjamites skirmished with the Gittites. 1Chron.7; 8. In Samuel's day the captured Ark of the Covenant was brought to the city of the giants, with disastrous consequences to the city's inhabitants. 1 Sam. 5. Shortly thereafter Israel subdued the power of these giants and certain cities that they had taken from Israel kept coming back to Israel from the regions that their power were placed. 1 Sam 7.
David purportedly met Goliath, who came from these race of giants, in a legendary man-to-man conflict. 1Sam 17; 2 Sam 21. From this city of giants David began to curry favor with the leaders of Judah who under Saul's power controlled the region. David found refuge in this place in his flight from Saul, when he was being pursued as an enemy of the king. The city's king granted refugee status to David. People from the Negeb region and the city of Hebron and men from the city of the giants (Gittites) became David's most loyal supporters throughout his reign. 2 Sam. 15.
After Israel losing control over the region, the place was conquered by the Aramean king Hazael and its  strategic location on the ROAD leading UP to Jerusalem via Elah Valley and Bethlehem was used in an attack against Jerusalem. 2 Kings 12.
The region was then taken by the Assyrian king Sargon as part of his purported conquest of Judah, and the city  of giants then passed out the pages of history.
The exact location of the city is unknown. Its early passing from historical mention and the absence of information of the whereabout of the giants of this region makes the tracking of it impossible.
We have only the archaeological remains of five giants found in Northern Peru. The remains belong to a culture that began its existence between AD 100 and 800. They were a farming and fishing community of people. They constructed irrigation canals, pyramids, palaces and temples.
The artifacts inside the tombs include ceramics, textiles, and human sacrifices. The quality of the ceramics and metal work is astonishing. The objects were often decorated with scenes of hunting, fishing, combat, punishment, sexual encounters and elaborate ceremonies. The particular richness in one of the tombs suggests that its occupant had wielded enormous power. The man's face was covered with a mask made of copper and gold. Images of bats, common in Moche depictions of human sacrifice and ritual blood drinking, filled the man's tomb, including a headdress decorated with gilded copper bats and a bat nose ornament of solid gold.
These giants apparently are the remnants of the Anakims.  Only time will give us the connecting dots missing in history about what happened to its race.

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