Friday, August 15, 2014

VIRACOCHA, the quechua name of the "CREATOR." Part 2

His people kept this precept for some time. But some of them were weakening the connection given the fact that the dark spirits of pride and covetousness were taken over their spiritual bodies.
These people transgressed the precept and provoke the immediate falling from its places. The vibration that was suppose to be maintained broke from the source.
Viracocha had to confound them in order to preserve the rest of the people, leaving them without his protection. Falling through their sin, Viracocha cursed them.
Some were turned into stones, others into other things. Some were swallowed up by the earth, others by the sea.
A flood came over, which they called UNU PACHACUTI, which means "WATER THAT OVERTURNS THE LAND."
They say that it rained 60 days and nights. All but three humans were destroyed but, from these survivors, the human race once again sprang forth.
The world was still in darkness, though, so Viracocha made the sun, moon and stars from the islands in the centre of Lake Titicaca.
There alone remained some vestiges of those who were turned into stones, as a memorial of the event, and as example to posterity, in the edifices of PUCARA, a fortress city, located at 60 leagues from CUZCO.

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