Friday, April 19, 2013


The entire region in which the city of MACHU PICCHU is embedded has been called : BATHOLITH
OF VILCABAMBA.   The type of rock that exist in abundance is composed of a mixture of white and
small amounts of pink granite;  along with granite, in many of the rocks we also find QUARTZ CRYSTAL.
the QUARTZ CRYSTAL is the element that gives MACHU PICCHU as a city a very special characteristic, AN ENERGETIC VIRTUE,  AN INTENTION FOR ELEVATION,  making it a
The QUARTZ CRYSTAL is known for its ability to CLEANSE,  PURIFY,  TRANSMUTE  and
TRANQUILIZE.   The tranquilizing effects cause many who came near to MACU PICCHU, at some
point in their visit,    TO FEEL A NEED TO QUIET THEMSELVES AND ENTER INTO A TRANQUIL STATE OF MIND,   allowing THE CITY to SPEAK TO THEM, revealing the PATH OF COMMUNION WITH NATURE.  For many visitors, the experience discloses answers that they need for their own personal growth.  Almost as a rule, THE CITY connects to each one who visits and that the desire to be alone in solitude and silence comes from within the person. They feel and enjoy the city's charm and perfection.
Walking on MACHU PICCHU's soil embrace the soul of the visitor and make each one of them to feel the gate of the inner world. Many open the gate and enter into a meditative state, and listen to the land's
MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES inside the subtle world that embrace the sacred city have revealed to us the existence of great structures, city-like structures that house beings operating at very subtle frequen-
cies. These beings act as guardians from a world that we can not see or touch but exists and governs the laws of nature. They send their messages to all people that are able to surrender their conceptual attach-
ments to the material world. They are also responsible for energetically cleansing the sacred city of mental charges of our time left by hundreds of visitors stepping on its soil daily.
MACHU PICCHU is an important VORTEX OF ENERGY for our planet, serving at times as a
catalyst, freely offering its best for the benefit of all. Only one visit to this sacred city is enough to cause some change in the life of anyone visiting it. An unexpected connection that will grow inside us.
Looking at the scenery in a state of meditation make us feel the feminine power of nature and her presence will give us the strength and guidance that we need to overcome our greatest challenges.

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