Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Vortices are points of energy on the Earth and Ley Lines are the relationships between those points. The Incas were able to understand how they worked in an implicate and explicate reality. They believed that matter as we experience it was in direct correspondence between this level of reality (explicate) and that of the unseen spiritual reality(implicate), either in the upper world or the underworld. 
For the Incas, the presence of these Vortices of Energy of Mother Earth were revealed through volcanic formations, high mountains, hot springs, mineral deposits, sea mounts, forks of rivers, river mouths, large falls, deep gorges, and other types of formation. They were able to determine the path in which these vortices of energy moved along the Andes.
The Incas located their cities and roads in between these Vortices (Ceques) and ley lines (Huacas).
They connected themselves with the different layers of subtle energies that Mother Earth provided to them in a sacred way. They were able to see things the way they really were in connection with the unseen reality.
The complexity of Cuzco (Incan capital) ceque system includes the highly geometrical ordering of the earth's energy system by which the Inca structured their religious, social and economic lives.
The geometrical order of the unseen reality is crystalline in organization. This crystalline matrix is similar to a geodesic dome (a series of triangular shapes that fit together). If the Earth is mapped out as a icosahedron grid, grids meet at various intersecting points forming the matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points of our bodies. 
The Inca basic belief was that sacred geometry involved sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in the physical reality and in the unseen reality. That geometry and mathematical ratios, harmony and proportions were also part of light, cosmology and music. 
Nature was sacred for them because the spirit of Mother Earth (Pachamama) was in it.  Both needed each other in order to establish harmony for the good harvesting of the soil. Everything worked in a harmonic way and their power of their existence relied in it.

The CONDOR and the EAGLE prophecy.

Exactly 500 years had passed since the arrival of the  European explorers to the Americas and an Incan prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle is being retold by many who still live and respect the forces of nature across the land of the American Continent. After a long and bitter wintertime the prophecy is asking for fulfillment.
Prior to the arrival of the first European explorers a network based on spiritual journeys and cultural relationships existed for centuries across the Western Hemisphere. The highways of this network of spiritual communication were so many that people were able to share knowledge, capacity and resources for mutual aid, trade and development. This ancient network, based in life-preserving and life-enhancing spiritual values and principles was broken apart by European colonization.
The white men's arrival had been prophesied long before they ever set foot on the American continent. The white brother, who forgot many principles of the forces of nature, were supposed to enact awful cruelties on the traditional peoples of the land during the first five hundred years, and the subsequent decimation of the legitimate owners of the land.
They would be disrespectful of the most fundamental rules of the proper human relationship to the earth, and because of that the resulting  catastrophes would affect the Great Mother Earth (Pachamama).
But after 500 years, a great turnabout is going to happen. The white brother will awake like a sleepwalker, from his violent trance. There would be an amazing healing that would affect the entire world, helping with the purging the catastrophes that followed the awakening.
The Spirit of the Condor, guardian of the souls of the people of the Andes (South America) will ask to dance with the Spirit of the Eagle, guardian of the souls of the people of the land (North America). From their dance the flight of both together will let great joy to emerge together with the brotherhood they use to have uniting both the South with the North.
A new relationship between the Earth and all humanity will be ensured, and the union of the Condor and the Eagle that was prophesied long time ago will become true.

Friday, December 5, 2014


The PUMA SPIRIT, for the Incas, was a powerful and protective spirit. This spirit animal represented the middle world of humans, called "Kay Pacha." It symbolized the power of strength of the human soul and at the same time the strength of the earth surface in the survival task against the negative forces  of nature.
In the Incan belief the human soul was immortal. When a person died, the soul went to the underworld, represented by the spirit of the snake and called "Uku Pacha." The spirit of the puma descended into the underworld to collect the souls allowed to leave the premises. Some of them reincarnate in the Kay Pacha (human world) and others were taken by the spirit of the condor to serve the entities that lived in the upper world, called "Hanan Pacha."
The Incas divided the universe in three different planes or worlds. They were united by an axis that connected all of them. These worlds were perceived individually different.
The Andean Cross represents all of them. It is a three-stepped cross. It symbolizes the subdivisions of the three different planes.
The shaman or priest was the spirit trained to journey through the central axis as a mediator. In a trance, he was allowed to enter into the lower realm or the underworld and to the higher levels inhabited by the superior souls of,  to find out the reasons for the misfortunes of the Earth level (human world).
These Inca symbols - the snake, the puma and the condor - are found in Incan architecture and artwork.
The corners of the Andean Cross (Chacana) represented the values of the Incan culture, such as Love (munay), Knowledge (Yachay), and Work (Llankay). It also represented Respect and Obligation to parents (ancestors), to the Inca ruler, and to the Creator (Viracocha).
Cuzco, the capital city of the Incan Empire was designed in the shape of the PUMA to represent the strength of the energy forces emanating from it in the earth level, the forces of nature. The heart of the animal was located at the main square in which was once the Palace of the Inca Viracocha, the Ninth Incan Emperor. The Temple of the Sun (Coricancha) represented the sex of the Puma, and finally Sacsayhuaman represented the head of the spirited animal.